Mar 4Liked by Joy Lucette Garner

The sentiment portrayed here is ominous, and foreboding. Who might still hold out hope that a solution is forthcoming?

Putting off some duties, I've watched some horrendous history videos of WW2 this afternoon. The misery and pain, the death and destruction, the planning and strategies, all captured for historical recollection. Some of it in color.

One might rightly ask what such a war has to do with current events. And I would ask the same question, thinking it an impossibility for a recurrence of the same, if it were not for the "staging" of things already WELL underway by those who are TRULY, but secretively in charge of all this chaos, blood-shed, and destruction of life, liberty, and property (and the pursuit of happiness). Discover the truth about the Roman system of "religion;" her blackened history, her pride, her wealth, her secret societies and her domination campaign through her special agents, the Jesuits. See if Bible prophecy and History have colluded to wrongly sway the minds and hearts of men. They have not! Both tell of the truth.

After all, has it not been fully evident by way of wars and conquest, that subduing nations is but termporary? Even Alexander The Great, as swift and efficient at that as he was; (likened unto a leopard in the Book of Revelation) controlling huge swaths of land, lost its place to the Romans around 150 B.C.

Empires before had expanded, done well, subdued much territory, and finally were overcome through pride and lack of vigilance. So what of all this bloodshed and military force?

Well, it's not all about controlling real estate, or even the thirst for blood, or gaining slaves, or even retribution. It's all about worship! The "war" is a spiritual war, just like all others preceding it, except different in this one aspect: This is Armageddon, and is the "culmination" of preparatory chaos that we are about to embark upon (See Hegelian Dialectic). The enemy of souls has been diligently working with his "demons" to enlist man into his ranks, for to do the devil's evil work. That is why the situation on deck is seemingly so inhuman, and even insanely so! It is because it IS inhuman! Sure, humans make the plans, provide the deceptions, pull the strings, collaborate to do all this evil, yet most are unaware that they are possessed. They readily accept lies which will substantiate their course. There is no escaping the treachery Satan has in mind for God's creatures whom the Godhead created in His image. No temporal escape hatch, only a promise from God Himself, that in order to overcome Satan and his snares, one MUST throw him/herself upon the "Rock" of Ages; trusting in every promise of His, and in full submission to His requirements. Jesus paid the price for OUR sins. That much of the "Plan" is complete, but salvation is conditional. Does anyone expect to continue to sin and be admitted blindly into the Govt of God, where sin does NOT dwell and there, enjoy the peace and tranquility described? The question is answered in multiple places in God's pleading "love letter" the Bible.

Learn this simple Truth, and live. Discount it, believing the wolves in sheep's clothing, and be eliminated for ever! Christianity is a simple religion! And its "Guide-Book" even gives us the answers to every question!

To all who might be prone: God Bless and the best of things are yet to come; and not far off!


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Mar 4Liked by Joy Lucette Garner

While the plan may be the extermination of humanity, plans often go awry as the law of unintended consequences along with Murphy's law and a few other disruptions will lay their plans to ruins. Remember, these megalomaniac globalists and government clowns are not the brightest among us, and have hired hacks to act as indoctrinated robots.

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Dang! Yup, buckle up is right.

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Mar 4Liked by Joy Lucette Garner

Thank you for this post.

The worst crime against humanity ever also harmed many officials and their families.


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My good friend,

Thank you most kindly for the guiding words you wrote to me specifically for me! Please bear with this explanation as to my stance in the matter, just for information's sake. This is my understanding now:

First, and foremost, there has been given by God Himself, in Rev. 14: 6-12 a commission; (aka: the Three Angel's Messages") and a follow-up last message to a dying and deluded world in Rev: 18. These are to go forth throughout the entire world, showing everyone that God is the only Creator, and requires honor and glory and worship as such. WE are those "angels" represented in the Scriptures as mentioned, to give the warning before the Judgements fall upon the unrepentant of the world.

It's not a welcomed message by anyone, but must be delivered as assigned, much like the prophets of old (and that of E.G. White, the "end times" prophet) who were all marginalized (at best) for their written and spoken prophecies, warnings, and reprimands. Some were condemned and slew mercilessly!

It's very much the same today. The nations which espouse and endorse "naturalistic views" in the place of Creationism, are not held guiltless in the eyes of God, and therefore will suffer consequences. But a peculiarity is noticed when compared to the sentiments of society regarding such things as C-19 vax campaign and the disavowing of the directed harms involved. When the smoke finally does clear, there might be a count taken of the carnage and weighed against what otherwise might have prevented these deaths and tragedies.

I mention this because in the Battle of Armageddon, which is a spiritual ensuing presently, there will likewise be an eventual "count" taken and logged in the books of heaven, wherein souls' eternal interest was calculated and set. The Bible alludes to the sad fact that there will be more lost than saved!

As Christians, we are to "let our lights shine" as you politely stated among other truths you mentioned. We are also commissioned to admonish, teach, exhort, etc... once we ourselves have had that experience.

There is a "parable" that seems to dominate my mind regarding this "warning" situation I mention. It is not found in the Scriptures, but applies nicely: It is this: Picture a wide, placid river filled with rafting vacationers, drifting along casually, all enjoying the morning sun, pointing to the flora and fauna, and conversing with one another. Suddenly, a frantic voice from a distance up ahead is heard, shouting that everyone must beware; that there is an unseen water-fall just ahead of him, as he stands in his raft waving his arms frantically. Noticing his own peril, he madly paddles toward the shore as he continues to yell out his concerned warning for the rafters upstream, but there is little of the expected response.

HIs excitement turns into fear and crying frantically, arrives at the shore, where he continues to wave and shout out the warning, as he witnesses the lethargy of the others. A few, a very few decide to obey the warning, but the rest do not! They have their own agendas, beliefs, and ascribe to the watchman some nefarious motive that be best ignored.

That is the scenario that is perceived to parallel these times in which we live, and yet is also reflective of the past occurrences in history as well. But as study will prove out, this current warning-time is given us for to not only abide by it, but to educate those in our circle of influence. Many will reject it, and but few will take heed. Nevertheless, "duty" calls upon us by God's own Word, to "lift up our voices; cry aloud, give the trumpet a certain sound."

And what is it exactly that is referred to here, which should be warned of? The END of things (as we know it) is coming, and that this fact should be duly considered, as clearly foretold in prophetic framing within God's Word. And repentance in humility should be forthcoming by all to prepare ones self for such a stupendous event.

So, that's at the core of things for me. So very sorry for these LOOONG "sermons" as someone called them. The intent here is to just awaken a sense of urgency in the matter, not to cause anyone grief.

Lovingly Yours,


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If you arent aware of Patrick Jordan and his stack vaccine fraud. Please check it out.. His research precisely shows how the demons have been manipulating and destroying life through vaccines, through the invasion of bacteriophages and spirochetes.. Organisms that outnumber all other animal life forms. But you will have to come to understand that viruses do indeed exist. That the terrain movement is a psyop that points the blame back on the individual for not properly taking care of their own body. And denying then that the demons who run this world are not responsible for the poisoning of this entire reality.

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