It’s even in insulin. Evil beyond belief. I will never trust the medical establishment again. NEVER.

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Thank God we have so many truly safe, natural, and cheap methods of healing, and actually CURING our problems without having to go anywhere near the medical industrial complex.

My grandson got stiches just before they started putting this crap in the local anesthesia jabs. Scary. If it had been just a few months later....

We're going to have to learn to set bones, and stitch each other up. Back to booze to help with pain;-) Gruesome, but far less amputations will probably need to happen than doctors like to give us;-)

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The old society is collapsing. We must rebuild with parallel systems based on love of God and Neighbor.

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Yes. The old world is passing away. Thank GOD.

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It’s good to remember to always thank God in thick and thin, but when our Will isn’t aligned with His, it can be hard to feel grateful.

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If we want God to be for us, we must be for God.

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Yes, indeed.

If we're having a hard time understanding how/why this vast attempt to kill a shitload of us is going on, we need only ponder the Nazis and the Concentration Camps.

It's pathological, and that right there means it's not going to be RATIONAL.


The good thing is, the human body is an amazing thing, and we CAN DETOX most, if not all, of these poisons.

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The human body IS amazing, and yes, with safe, cheap, and readily-available items, we CAN remove this crap, deactivate it, etc. Even simple magnets (strong ones) can wipe the coding and stop the replication of these polymer-based, biomechanical new "lifeforms" which are also vulnerable to anti-parasite herbs, which wipe out their little chimeric creatures, because they're dependent upon parasite DNA for reproduction.

Hence, the FDA's and MSM's desperate attempt to stop us using anything that kills parasites;-) But that attempt did NOT work.

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Excellent! Thanks Joy! More on this please 🙏💙

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Indeed, my friend. And keep in mind, too (I yam one damn skeptical dawg!!), that the fear game is going strong, and "leaking" information about how they are doing things to us that we can't stop or control is a really effective FEAR TOOL.

I never believed the whole BS about "shedding" and I suspect they are pretending to have WAAAAAY more power to mess with us than they actually DO.

That does not mean I think we should relax... But not live in FEAR, either. xo

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I understand that "fear' is what drove people TO the injections, when the fact was, the real danger was the injections. Here, I seek only to INFORM so that people stop walking over a cliff thinking it's "safe."

My inquiry into this began because my unvaccinated daughter almost died after dental injections! That very day, she collapsed and was bedridden for weeks. She lost half her hair, her sense of smell, and had many other debilitating "symptoms" all of which lined up perfectly with the death jabs, i.e., heart beating out of control for no apparent reason, etc.

At first, not suspecting the dentist's jabs AT ALL, we presumed the symptoms might have been caused by "shedding" or "catching" something from the dental staff. But in reality, I could not escape the fact her symptoms plainly matched perfectly with a combination of radiation, and/or straight up venom poisoning. And now, a year later, my daughter, a young mother of two, turned up with a giant LUMP in her lymph node.

So you might prefer nobody dares to alert others of KNOWN and well-documented (very REAL) dangers, lest anyone "fear" to walk directly over a particular cliff because they've NOT been warned about the consequences of doing so. But I prefer to point directly to the evidence showing that it's a CLIFF (danger) "over there" so that people know that they should avoid that direction.

Neither me, or my daughter "feared" anything about her seeing the dentist. It was NOT "fear" that caused her injuries, which now appear to be ongoing and potentially deadly. It wasn't until almost a year after the aforementioned events that I SAW THE EVIDENCE that the local anesthetic jabs are FULL of the nanoparticles and also graphene oxide. This isn't a "conspiracy theory" and the facts and evidence were not intentionally "leaked" (by the bad guys) for the purpose of keeping people AWAY from the dentist's needles.

Since you do seem to understand that "they" want to depopulate, direct injection is clearly more effective than simply telling people the TRUTH and thereby causing "fear" to kill them by causing then to AVOID direct injection. Logic. And MORE logic, is required here.

The OBVIOUS answer is that the formal publications which BRAG about the use of lipid nanoparticles and graphene oxide in local anesthesia injectables, (whether from a dentist or for stitches from a doctor) as well as the horrific videos of the blood-cell reactions under a microscope, are accurate and reliable.

I'm quite certain that the people orchestrating this extermination are NOT the ones "leaking" any warnings to humanity in order to get them to STOP taking injections. Again, logic my dear one.

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I think you misunderstood what I meant.

I agree with most of what you just said in this comment. I'm simply saying, not that I KNOW this, but that I SUSPECT, that there are things we're being told that are outright lies, in order to CONTINUE the fear, not that there wasn't fear before this, or whatever.

Shedding, for example, is unproven and makes no sense to me at all.

I have NO DOUBT that this is a CULL, the injections were full of toxins and developed by the DOD as a "counter-measure"-- their term for "Weapon."

So, yeah, I'm just saying that we should not instantly become terrified by every single new terror they throw out at us, because they NEED to "keep the fear up," so that we the Peeps don't start being skeptical. That is also logic! ^_^ I hope this clears up what I meant!

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The idea of shedding is something that was observed in the early trials. Pharma tried to HIDE this, and so did the FDA & CDC. Believing that the jabs do NOT prevent transmission, is hardly a good selling point. And it's not going to cause people (who "fear" they've been shed upon) to rush down and get INJECTED. So it's illogical that the demons wanted us to understand THAT set of facts. Why would they want us to NOT trust the jabs? The only thing this particular data could do is cause us to believe it might be BAD (or worthless) to get injected, particularly if we want to "protect granny" from covid, whatever the hell THAT really is.

Sometimes things are actually just TRUE. And sometimes the TRUTH actually DOES "leak" and get located and disseminated. The "lab leak" story, which was supposed to terrorize everyone into GETTING INJECTED turned out to have at least some truth behind it. However, the natural spread of this "bioweapon" was NOT the real danger. It was a MILD bug, if indeed that particular particle was even the real cause of anything. The "leak" wasn't causing deaths. Those didn't start until they rolled out the deadly "treatment protocols" and then the injections.

What they were REALLY engineering, was base-codes for the killer they planned on putting in the VACCINES, specifically the spike protein that they planned on combining with mRNA (and many other nasty things) in order to assure these "creatures" (polymer-based, chimeric, biomechanical new "lifeforms") would be endlessly reproduced by the human body. They spent a great deal of time and money on creating it, in anticipation that they would then combine it with the proper delivery systems that could trick/overcome the human immune system and get into the cells to set up nurseries. ONLY possible via direct injection.

I know I am oversimplifying here, but this is the way I see the overview of what has occurred. I do NOT believe they would intentionally do or say ANYTHING that would cause people to STOP taking their injections. And this is because it's not so easy to MURDER us, (or sterilize us) when we avoid their injections.

We do agree they want to kill us, right? How much harder is that to manage (and not go to jail immediately) without these injections? I will never agree that they are doing or saying anything with an eye towards PREVENTING people from getting injected.

WHAT are they shedding? How dangerous is it to others? This is another set of questions. But the fact they're shedding something is well-established now.

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Okay, I'm not going to argue with you about shedding-- I think there's enough of that! I am okay with having some disagreement. I will say, tho, because it seems like maybe it's a thing, that there is no such thing as "Covid" anything, no viruses at all... And THAT is established fact. It seems quite clear that "Covid" is actually EMF's, and specifically 5G, which is the strongest of the EMF's so far. Perhaps "established fact" depends on who one chooses to believe. But there has never been ANY "virus" that's been isolated... (Check out Christine Massey's page, she's awesome.) And contagion has never been proven either. I find Dr. Tom Cowan to be a really great resource on all this stuff. ^_^

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It seems they are doing more than culling the herd. Maybe they are weaponizing the herd against the unvaxxed. There are several ways to take control over people. One of them is hypnotic, and we are seeing that on full display. There may be other ways to hardwire people to do what you want. We know the CIA is very interested in mind control generally. For what reason was the stated vaccine uptake goal of our enemies 70%? (that was the estimated number that must be weaponized to take out the other 30%)

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Culling the herd effectively requires many diversions. They also want to make sure the survivors have all been "barcoded" as well. Hitler (the Rothschilds overlords who funded him, that is) catalogued the people he wanted to slaughter. They must catalogue, categorize, etc.

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You're several decades behind, I'm afraid. All rioters, cults, shooters, terrorists, assassins and criminals are under MKI-Ultra mind control. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/04/16/montauk-project-experiments-in-time/

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Thanks for sharing that fantastic article. I appreciate the connection between the Philadelphia project, Phil Schneider, and UFO conspiracy. That photo of Phil's father gives me chills. I'm not surprised that I'm several decades behind. Most of my reading is from 40 decades ago. I don't know how wide spread the Montauk training is, or how many triggerable mind slaves there are. I know there are very prominent people under hypnotic mind control who have specific controllers assigned to them. To me it seems the masses are largely mind controlled. I was a care giver before the vax mandate, and I was in many homes where they never turn off CBS from 6 am to midnight. They're hypnotized. I'm not hypnotized but I do have a chimera. He's a heavy son of a bitch.

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They will fail.

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They WILL fail. We're not as easy to slaughter as they'd hoped;-)

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These kinda people, psychopathic tyrants, that is, have been trying to stomp everybody else, kill them, enslave them, etc etc, for.... EVER?! And they ALWAYS fail.

It's the suffering in the attempts that are horrific and I want us to figure out how to stop it! Perhaps an end to accumulated wealth might be a start?

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I agree that they WILL fail. They're failing already, in very big ways.

Godspeed, Joy

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NASA has a new name for the vaccinated: Homoborgenesis

"You as the user of this shot are the chattel property of the patent holders"


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They already considered us to be their farm animals. But now maybe they can "legally legitimize" it;-)

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CONTROL O F Y O U ... !!!!



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The very best ultimate "protection" of that which matters more than all else....our eternal souls.

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- O B J E C T -- REPEATEDLY ...!!

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And mostly, avoid the merchants of death which we refer to as "health care" workers.

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-- I S T H I S “ T H E MARK OF THE BEAST “ ••• ????????

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Physical therapy is the only field of medicine that still relies on reality rather than bizarro biotech....

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And of course there are MANY who now avoid hospitals and doctors like the plague that they are, preferring to heal using truly safe methods.

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Been navigating this horror since my last extraction. I see the other options are gas or a pill.

Going to try the pill next as a friend did for her extractions. This overreach is horrifying & disgusting.

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Hi Joy - Thanks for this crucial info. I've been following your comments for a while but didn't realise you had your own substack so just subscribed - after reading your comments on a recent article by Ms SL. Great to see someone challenge her. Good on you!

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Thanks. Sasha is a good person, and she even had me on her podcast. For some reason though, she cannot look at what's going on with some of the tech.

I have a hard time believing she completely missed Dr. Ana's videos showing the latest crap (covid jabs) actually growing into computer chips. I was watching this whole thing unfold (the early secret testing that people call Morgellons) 15 years ago. Sasha just needs to consider that there might be things going on that she doesn't understand, and that the fact she doesn't know about something, isn't "evidence" that it doesn't exist.

Good news is, she's not likely to say things unless she's 100% certain it's real. I just wish she'd get out of the business of trying to discredit people who want the whole truth known.

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Feel free to delete my comment Joy. I don't want to create any problems but just wanted to let you know what I think.

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I don't want to delete. You said nothing hurtful or insulting about anyone.

You're just expressing your honest view. She was getting pretty nasty with me, and I truly don't understand it. Maybe just fear of seeing the full truth.

The U.S. DOD has already deployed some weapons that are much deadlier than even some of the most "awake" people have any idea about.

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It seems to me that she had a sudden change of mind on everything nanotech after she interviewed Matt Taylor last year. John Lukach (see, if interested, his research on "Bio-API", e.g. https://estateartistry.com/blog/now-do-you-believe-me & many other articles) made a very informative (and very diplomatic) comment on her Internet of No Bodies article which she actually liked, then promptly deleted his comment and banned him. A couple of days later Substack banned him from commenting on any SS articles. Matt Taylor also seems to have disappeared from circulation. I used to think she was a good person. No longer.

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Hmm. Interesting information. It was stunning to see her arguing that there is no nano technology capable of releasing a "payload" when activated. There is just so MUCH that has already been made fully public on this subject, demonstrating (actually bragging) that many older drugs are now being encapsulated in the lipids for "targeted" drug delivery to certain tissues upon activation.

This is how they overcame the blood-brain barrier, and pharma is very proud of this, openly bragging about it. So it was odd to see her arguing that none of this technology exists at all, that all DARPA patents are "fictional" and that everything I said about it is "bullshit."

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Hi Joy, did you happen to see now that in California “suddenly” they have discovered that the vaccines fall under the Nuremberg code at the state level? Really odd that this pops up now after all this time??

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I missed that story. Any links or search terms you can offer? Was this a court? Legislative?

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I don’t know much about it. It’s part of the CA State health code. I happened to read it on SS from an attorney named Warner Mendenhall. He’s part of the Covid attorneys with Steve Kirsch, etc. It seems really strange this was missed? I don’t like to post links on SS, but you can search for his name - Warner Mendenhall and it should come up.

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Thanks for the tip. Newsom and crew are violating MANY of the CA codes. I had never looked at CA codes that work as a corollary to the Nuremberg codes. Thanks.

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I wanted to also say that there was an article on cnn months ago about how the genome was edited. I have other pertinent information to share as well. I don’t know if that is helpful, but at least it is more proof of what’s happened. Who allowed “these people” to alter the genome?

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Nobody agreed to any of this. These are DEMONS.

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That is true! I absolutely know the truth of that, because the demons behind this have been attacking me for over a decade. It is very real. I know who some of the bigger hidden ones are, because I was a client of them for a few years. They keep blocking my attempts to litigate. I’ve had attorneys say I have a case, but they push me off to other firms, etc.

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You’re welcome. I’m concerned it’s a ploy to help him build a better strategy to get into the WH.

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I get the following message for the first embedded link:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.



<Message>Invalid argument.</Message>

<Details>The provided token has expired. Request signature expired at: 2023-10-26T19:22:38+00:00</Details>


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HERE is the link: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186/s11671-016-1520-8.pdf

For some reason when I click on the hyperlink, it works fine.

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that works!

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Thanks. Not sure what happened there. Will see if I can fix and repost. I hope they haven't scrubbed the item from the internet.

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Google images of salt and saline under the microscope. It looks like nano tech because it's rectangular crystals. Don't panic, it's just salt!

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You need to go look at the videos of the nanobots swimming around, entering the cells, and KILLING the cells. I am guessing you didn't actually review ANY of the reports or materials. One of the articles I cited actually had a breakdown of the brands of dental injections which DO contain (admittedly) nanotech/lipid nanoparticles.

Salt crystals do NOT swim around, light up, enter cells and immediately kill them. They also do not grow hydrogel fibers that continue growing AFTER a person is DEAD.

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Dec 1, 2023
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I found a paper published in 2016 which actually named all of the major makers - and stated that ALL of them were on board to use the nanotech in their products.

The FDA has tons of exceptions which allow makers to NOT list all of the ingredients, so I would NOT count on their ingredients lists for comfort. Do your own research. Search "lipid nanoparticle drug delivery local anesthetic."

See what you find. Remember too, Google makes you scroll down or go to the 2nd or even 10th page to get to the meat.

They was us DEAD.

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Man. Has your daughter been able to recover much? And has your research revealed anything to rid the body of LNPs?

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Oh, one other mineral you WANT to make sure you're getting: COPPER.

Copper is what makes the zinc effective, (delivers it and iron) into the cells. Without enough copper, the other vital minerals are almost worthless. Plus, copper is MORE damaging to the "critters" (nanotech) than the zinc.

Almost everyone is seriously copper deficient. The FDA has LIED to us about this ESSENTIAL mineral, and how much we NEED.

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She used fenben to shrink the lump. Carnivore has also helped a great deal. Turns out MANY of the "detox" aminos we pay big $ for, are abundant in meat, particularly red meat. She has also been good about the other items we know are helpful, Ivermectin, vitamin D, A, C, Quercetin, etc. Her hair is now mostly back (she already had very thick hair naturally) and most of her smell is now back. She's had menstrual "changes" and is concerned she can no longer conceive, but at least she already has one girl and one boy.

SNEAKY bastards found a way to get my daughter even though she KNEW to avoid the jabs! I am beyond anything resembling "enraged." They could've killed her, and deprived my grandchildren of their mother. Clearly this was their INTENTION. I am in a place of coldness that goes way beyond "anger" with regard to the perps here.

I am DONE. We SHALL have remedy.

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Also noticed the anesthetic Propofol uses soybean oil emulsion, which frankly seems unnecessary. And soy is almost always going to be GMO.

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If you look at a list of the MOST deadly/toxic substances on earth, you'll find that the toxic ingredients they added to the vaccines is almost as long. It's as it if they searched the world over to understand what they could add that would be MOST likely to maim and kill us.

Part of their game is to assure that the list of foods we CAN eat is greatly reduced, eliminating major food groups. So they directly inject us with the undigested complete DNA chains of wheat, (and other grains) eggs, dairy, and various animals and plants that humanity has survived on for thousands of years. This makes our immune systems go wild if we eat these foods. When I was a child, NOBODY was allergic to peanuts, literally NOBODY. Later, they added peanut oil to the jabs and all of the sudden, kids were dying because a kid in the same room ate a peanut butter sandwich at school.

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Thank you! (And I deleted my original comment since I looked at the paper again and saw I was wrong.)

Which aminos are these (and I’m assuming you’re glad they have red meat in them? Hard to tell via text.) Do you have any brands you’d recommend of the supplements?

Glad we have access to the best physician--God, and that He is perfectly just. That is definitely something that helps my anger.

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"NAC" is a precursor to Glutathione (red meat is rich in this) and eggs are rich in lysine. NAC is showing itself to be invaluable in detoxing the jab toxins. Lysine is a POWERFUL anti-viral. Quick salvation with lysine comes from the isolate (faster absorption).

There are more. Do the research. But know that if you're getting the aminos from plants, they are far less able to be absorbed, due to plant toxins which block this process. In fact, if you eat plants with meat, the plant toxins can block your absorption of VITAL aminos. Hence the term "antinutrient plant toxins."

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Interesting! Ideally I’d get the stuff I need just from food instead of all the supplements. I’ve definitely upped my egg and meat intake since learning of the cholesterol scam.

Lately I’m weighing the pros/cons of lots of outdoor time because of the excessive chemtrails and pesticides etc but I’m thinking that’s what they want us to fear--the outdoors. And the sun is sooo good for us.

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Whenever the sun IS shining, we must go get some! But also, we can benefit from the animals we eat, and the time they spend in the sun eating plants and concentrating vitamin D (and other essentials) in their flesh and organs. Plain old butter has a ton of vitamin D, A, E, etc.

Oh, most vegans will tell you, "Cows build muscle on grass. So we can too!"

What they don't know, is that cows (as well as primates) have large fermentation vats for stomachs, so that they can feed the "bloom" of bacteria that lives on the ground up plants they've eaten. This can take 3 days (of farting, bloating, etc;-) And once the "beneficial" bacteria/fungi have done THEIR job, (like little "farm animals" in the stomach) the cows then enjoy the process of digesting these bugs and their by-products. So even "herbivores" are carnivores in the end. It's just that they carry a "farm" around in their HUGE guts, which does the heavy lifting for them, i.e., processing plant toxins and breaking down the fiber/cellulose, etc.

So here's the thing most doctors do not know, (or if they do, they ignore it): The human digestive system is closer to that of a lion, than it is to ANY herbivore, in both acid profile and structure. Humans were not designed to have massive guts like apes, or cows.

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Oh, and Dr. Ana's "EDTA Chelation" is showing itself fully capable of cleansing the blood of this crap. It's now on my "to-do" list for me and family, now that I have seen Ana's results under a microscope. It appears to REALLY work.

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