Live PARASITES are in the Vaccines!!!
They've been injecting us with LIVE "whole" parasites that have been "attenuated" with radiation, chemo-dugs, etc., i.e., the parasites are ALIVE, radioactive, and delivering chemo drugs to boot.
“Attenuated” just means these critters have already survived an assault, (radioactive, chemical, etc.) and they’ve mutated to be resistant to it. They’ve culled the critters with various assaults, and only the mutated and resistant survivors will be injected into us. The public has been led to believe “attenuated” means the infectious agent has been obliterated or killed, or somehow “inactivated.” This is a lie. Proper nomenclature is a foundational imperative here.
For instance, here’s the medical definition of an attenuated ‘polio’ bug:
“Bacteriology, Immunology. (of a strain of disease-causing virus or bacterium [or parasite] ) rendered less virulent: The attenuated poliovirus in the Sabin vaccine replicates very efficiently in the gut, but less so in the nervous system.”
How very reassuring. Your nervous system might tend to be “less” infected than your stomach after they’ve infected you. So let’s all get infested with a poorly understood parasites (or some other “infectious” agent) via direct injection! Yes of course. Collect the whole set!
In the following paper, it’s declared that their resulting “vaccine” is “effective” at INFECTING “humanized” rat livers with PARASITES. The researchers believe this is an excellent outcome because this intentionally-caused parasite infestation caused these ‘humanized’ rats to produce an “immune response” to the infestation they’ve introduced. Of course, no long-term study is done to determine whether these intentionally-infected (via direct injection) human/rats later became severely ill or died. These demons claim it’s a “positive” outcome, because it confirmed that the rat’s immune systems “reacted” to being injected with parasites. Duh. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows that infecting a mammal with parasites (or any other bio-hazard) will cause an “immune response” unless that creature is already dead. SEE:
“Creation and preclinical evaluation of genetically attenuated malaria parasites arresting growth late in the liver” SEE the SILLY paper HERE.
Where you’ll see statements like:
“In this experiment we found that the percentage of mice with a ‘second’ breakthrough blood infection was comparable to that of mice with a ‘first’ breakthrough infection and the mice that became positive had again a strongly prolonged prepatent period, i.e., 5 of the 11 mice did develop a blood stage infection with a prepatent period of 9-10 days, whereas mice infected with wild-type parasites became blood-stage positive at day 4 or 5.”
TRANSLATION: The infections we caused with our “attenuated” parasites took a few days longer before the infection/infestation became OBVIOUS. We believe it’s wonderful to cause these parasite infestations with our “attenuated” parasite injections, because this way, the symptoms of the parasite infestation we’ve caused will take longer to detect, i.e., we’ve made it easier to infect a person (by making them believe our injection will protect them from an infestation) while hiding the fact that our injections are CAUSING the health problems which later arise from the infection we’ve caused. Our special injections act as a delayed incendiary device. So never mind that without our injections the person may never have suffered a parasite infestation in the first place. And let’s forget the fact that if the victim ever did suffer a naturally-occurring parasite infection, there are various truly safe and effective treatments for such, all of which the FDA fights to ban the public from accessing, i.e., HCQ, Ivermectin, etc..
Another quote from this INSANE paper:
“WSp [attenuated parasite] vaccines consist of whole parasites, i.e., metabolically active P. falciparum sporozoites (PfSPZ) that have the ability to migrate to and infect the human liver, but cannot transform into the symptomatic blood stage, and as such do not cause disease.
TRANSLATION: We’ve found a way to cause a parasite infestation in the human liver, the outward symptoms of which, will be delayed and/or masked, so that we can later more-easily (fraudulently) claim our injections did not cause the resulting disease in our victims. We fully intend to cause as many parasite infestations as we can manage with our parasite “vaccines” and now we’ve found a great way to solidify our plausible deniability as the actual culprits for the sudden rise in the number of people so afflicted as we roll out our “vaccines.” Although we’ve made the fraudulent claim that our “special” parasites can’t cause disease, we have ZERO evidence to back up this lunatic’s claim. We’ve presumed that, if the symptoms of disease have been temporarily masked/delayed, that it’s okay to make the false claim that this has prevented “disease” - due to the fact we’ve never investigated it. So this means we can later deny that we knew the claim to be false when we made it. We make these types of false claims all of the time. And we’re already planning on later saying “we saw no evidence” (while wearing a blindfold) that our claim was entirely false.
SPIKE: They’re parasites, not “viruses.” There’s no “virus” hiding inside of that crappy parasite-like “spike” ball, let alone one that’s been shown to cause any disease. We KNOW that the actual threat is the spike protein itself. And these spike/GMO-parasites are “virulent” (contagious) because they’re GMO-ed/micronized to the point they can easily “shed/spread”. So no swimming in a swamp and/or drinking questionable water is required in order to infect the whole world, even those who’ve managed to avoid the injections!
Given that the so-called “spike” protein (and myriad other new bio-mechanical/nanotech “lifeforms” found in their jabs) rely upon parasite DNA for replication, it’s easy to see why the FDA (who wants us all dead) has been staunchly fighting to block humans from accessing (and benefitting from) ANY substance which acts as an effective anti-parasitic. Hence, the FDA’s scandalous and endless war against Ivermectin, Fenben, HCQ, etc..
The FDA continues demonizing any substance that kills parasites, urging us that all such items must be avoided at all times. Again, they want us DEAD. However, openly slaughtering us in the streets is dangerous. We might fight back if their war is not executed covertly, via endless deceptions and propaganda. Plus, they’re being paid way too much money in exchange for slaughtering us (and for covering pharma’s crimes) to EVER consider any other “profession.” This form of murder is perfectly legal in America. You see, it’s all “approved” and “authorized” by the FDA.
And even more scary for these demons, is that fact people are figuring out that cancers are a “side-effect” of the parasite infections they’ve CAUSED. Such information allows us “commoners” to CURE cancer with parasite meds. So the FDA is still trying hard to see if they can criminalize the use of any substance which kills parasites. Any doctor who prescribes such substances is likely going to be stripped of their medical license.
Again, they want us DEAD. And they’re in a very big hurry right now. Being that they’re all now knee-deep in their crimes against humanity, the last thing they want now, is for us to survive. PLEASE survive.
Now you know why drug trials are a scam for the most part, especially anything to do with vaccines and mRNA poisons. There is nothing that says ALL ingredients have to be disclosed to the public and that leaves the door wide open for MURDER.
may explain those alarming "calamari clots" growing inside folks...