They've been injecting us with LIVE "whole" parasites that have been "attenuated" with radiation, chemo-dugs, etc., i.e., the parasites are ALIVE, radioactive, and delivering chemo drugs to boot.
Now you know why drug trials are a scam for the most part, especially anything to do with vaccines and mRNA poisons. There is nothing that says ALL ingredients have to be disclosed to the public and that leaves the door wide open for MURDER.
Yes it does! And I have seen some of these coroners showing evidence that these materials are still ALIVE ("biologically active") after removal. It's all a horror way beyond Steven King's worst imaginings.
It does clearly appear our best weapons are 1. anti-parasite meds/herbs, (one is citrus bitters, peels and seeds, grapefruit are best) and: 2. Nicotine patches to deal with the myriad venom peptides these creatures are CLEARLY producing (for urgent care for sure).
And as for the turbo cancers, again, 1. anti-parasite meds, plus 2. inducing ketosis, (fasting, and/or carnivore diet which mimics fasting state). The reason radiation and chemo appear to "shrink tumors" is because they make it almost impossible to EAT while these "treatments" swiftly destroy your healthy cells as well. This forced "fasting" state kills cancer tumors a bit faster than the rest of you, but they ARE killing the victims of this barbaric and murderous "protocol" or "standard of care."
It would seem prudent therefore to injest ivermectin and fenbendazole to combat the shed infection whether or not you were fooled into accepting the bioweapon.
Yes. We're personally witnessing the rise of the "zombies" all around us, that glassy-eyed stare, the absurdly irrational words and actions. It's a literal freak show these days.
You're so welcome. They rely upon our ignorance to further their frauds, and a huge part of this is changing the nomenclature, using words like "attenuated" - hoping we don't understand what this really means.
I'm interested in how parasites affect the mentation of the host. A simple yeast infection causes changes in the behavior of the host, such as angry outbursts. Parasites can deliver dopamine to reward desired behavior. I've noticed people's pupils dilating in certain moments of anger. You can't reason with them. Everything just triggers them and kicks them dopamine. I relate this to the trend of animal cruelty. I'm saying those injected with parasites are driven to be cruel toward pets they formerly loved. The human body is a terrain war. The injected parasites don't get along with the more normal and tolerable parasites many pet owners share with dogs and cats. The new parasites don't like dogs and cats, because they make our immune systems stronger. This is also behind the trend toward robotic pets. They want to take away dogs and cats because they help protect us from the injected parasites. What do you think?
Turpentine is a natural antiparasitic that's been helping people for a long time.
Thanks for the tip on yet another way to kill parasites.
On the issue of mental health: I agree. I refer to them as zombies. We now have MANY "living dead" amongst us. They're not "right in the head." These new "parasites" are also capable of receiving and transmitting data/commands via cell towers.
I want to relay a comment posted on this article: Karen: "Ok, Jack [Kruse]? Well he is explaining an ingredient that is so vile that it disrupts the mitochondria. I do not believe this contaminates the viruses or whatever he said because viruses are toxins anyway - and usually now "man-made "even though he said from green monkeys. The SV40 virus? No, I believe a DNA sequence that is inherent in them. Same too the claim of snake venom. Mostly synthetic sequences now.
I believe they are using more and more synthetic sequences that mimic the real deal. Our DNA supposedly can NOT differentiate from what is OUR DNA or something else's. So you PUT it in there (Crispr, perhaps?) and Viola! Done. Your DNA is poised to perform. That's how they are making spider web proteins in goats? sheep? like in Iceland or something. THAT is a weird DNA science project.
Remember premarin? Well originally they used pregnant mares and open skin areas to grow their cultures. I doubt they do that anymore but you can still buy premarin.
Something is combining with something to escalate the growth of cells. Which in theory can still be parasitic. A Dr. (forget who) long ago said that most cancers were caused by flatlet worms. ? But maybe that's the real delivery system? to attach to the cell? Ya know something is fishy here.
Given ridding yourself of 'worms' helps to put you in remission, then I am guessing they needed this SV40 to ramp it up or deliver it that way? I mean HOW is this SV40 really getting into the mitochondria as he implies. And then perform?
I know that optogenetics and blue lights are a superior conductor for DNA damage. Look at all the game commercials, Play, Play, Play. Radiation seems to play a big part in these maladies as well. And he even mentions electromagnetic radiation in the beginning.
So we have all the same players in this dirty pool. radiation, electromagnetic, DNA manipulation, blue lights, optogenetics.....Yeah, so now with all the other 'shit' mercury, graphene, nano this/that, snake venom sequences.....Yikes!
But this is what did the turbo cancer? SMH
It is a way to control our 'human being' Period. Anything at this point that is just waiting to be 'activated' and produce the malady, is obviously being deployed in meds, foods, water, air....... It is being activated. I am convinced of it. ALL these ingredients ++ are ready to be activated and deployed.
Which one will they activate in you today?
I am also convinced that when you get a 'vaxx' and then get tested for the 'antibodies,' that the test is really identifying the toxin that was used. Titer Test tests for the anitbodies (used in animals to prove innoculaltion) but is it really finding antibodies or the toxins in the shots? You can die from too much arsenic, right? But what do you die from? labeled 'the flu or consumption' usually. No one tests you for the poison. Who's being tested for SV40? The cancer blood tests?
So I believe this is a key reference for those that are suffering turbo cancers. But I believe it is being activated through our electrical biofields by way of 'smart' devices or electrical engineers that have software programs such as triage to 'read' your systems. Did you really have cancer? or was it given to you by way of toxic activation after you went to see the doctor. So which one came first now? The dis-ease? or the Doctor's visit?
Jack is telling the truth but not the whole truth and medical freedom isn't going to stop activating anything. Just like the fires. I just want to find the plug and unplug this activation device.
Synopsis: When some very creepy things start happening around school, the kids at Herrington High make a chilling discovery that confirms their worst suspicions: their teachers really are from another planet. As mind-controlling parasites rapidly begin spreading from the faculty to the students' bodies, it's ultimately up to the few who are left, an unlikely collection of loners, leaders, nerds, and jocks, to save the world from alien domination.
These are polymer-based, self-assembling, chimerically-engineered biomechanical new "life-forms", ('nanotech') which utilize DNA from various parasite species, and which also produce myriad venom peptides. So I cannot give you one particular parasite name. However, it does appear they act very much like hydras in that, you could break one of them up into a thousand pieces and each piece would grow into a separate (and mature) functioning unit again, in very short order. You also see similar activity with many worms.
It is horrifying, and I wish nothing I have stated about any of this were actually true. But I have read the related patents. All of this is real, and they HAVE unleashed this technology on the masses.
Now you know why drug trials are a scam for the most part, especially anything to do with vaccines and mRNA poisons. There is nothing that says ALL ingredients have to be disclosed to the public and that leaves the door wide open for MURDER.
BINGO!!!! What they call "science" is merely FRAUD. Just because they committed their frauds in labs, or in "trials" doesn't make it "scientific."
may explain those alarming "calamari clots" growing inside folks...
Yes it does! And I have seen some of these coroners showing evidence that these materials are still ALIVE ("biologically active") after removal. It's all a horror way beyond Steven King's worst imaginings.
I saw that as well, absolutely terrifying. It's a shame we still don't know exactly what these are, still waaay too much silence on this topic...
I hope we can find a way to dissolve these things, I worry for those I know who have had multiple injections :/
It does clearly appear our best weapons are 1. anti-parasite meds/herbs, (one is citrus bitters, peels and seeds, grapefruit are best) and: 2. Nicotine patches to deal with the myriad venom peptides these creatures are CLEARLY producing (for urgent care for sure).
And as for the turbo cancers, again, 1. anti-parasite meds, plus 2. inducing ketosis, (fasting, and/or carnivore diet which mimics fasting state). The reason radiation and chemo appear to "shrink tumors" is because they make it almost impossible to EAT while these "treatments" swiftly destroy your healthy cells as well. This forced "fasting" state kills cancer tumors a bit faster than the rest of you, but they ARE killing the victims of this barbaric and murderous "protocol" or "standard of care."
I'm a big believer in fasting for sure, triggering autophagy is key
the Cancer Industry loves their chemo ($$$)
Nice to see more people figuring this out and refusing their garbage. We can ALL take this by the horns and fix our own bodies!
It would seem prudent therefore to injest ivermectin and fenbendazole to combat the shed infection whether or not you were fooled into accepting the bioweapon.
Yup! And while you're at it, you might just be killing off any cancers that were brewing. It's all good news with things that kill parasites.
Yes. We're personally witnessing the rise of the "zombies" all around us, that glassy-eyed stare, the absurdly irrational words and actions. It's a literal freak show these days.
Thank you so much for this research. 💕
You're so welcome. They rely upon our ignorance to further their frauds, and a huge part of this is changing the nomenclature, using words like "attenuated" - hoping we don't understand what this really means.
I'm interested in how parasites affect the mentation of the host. A simple yeast infection causes changes in the behavior of the host, such as angry outbursts. Parasites can deliver dopamine to reward desired behavior. I've noticed people's pupils dilating in certain moments of anger. You can't reason with them. Everything just triggers them and kicks them dopamine. I relate this to the trend of animal cruelty. I'm saying those injected with parasites are driven to be cruel toward pets they formerly loved. The human body is a terrain war. The injected parasites don't get along with the more normal and tolerable parasites many pet owners share with dogs and cats. The new parasites don't like dogs and cats, because they make our immune systems stronger. This is also behind the trend toward robotic pets. They want to take away dogs and cats because they help protect us from the injected parasites. What do you think?
Turpentine is a natural antiparasitic that's been helping people for a long time.
Thanks for the tip on yet another way to kill parasites.
On the issue of mental health: I agree. I refer to them as zombies. We now have MANY "living dead" amongst us. They're not "right in the head." These new "parasites" are also capable of receiving and transmitting data/commands via cell towers.
I want to relay a comment posted on this article: Karen: "Ok, Jack [Kruse]? Well he is explaining an ingredient that is so vile that it disrupts the mitochondria. I do not believe this contaminates the viruses or whatever he said because viruses are toxins anyway - and usually now "man-made "even though he said from green monkeys. The SV40 virus? No, I believe a DNA sequence that is inherent in them. Same too the claim of snake venom. Mostly synthetic sequences now.
I believe they are using more and more synthetic sequences that mimic the real deal. Our DNA supposedly can NOT differentiate from what is OUR DNA or something else's. So you PUT it in there (Crispr, perhaps?) and Viola! Done. Your DNA is poised to perform. That's how they are making spider web proteins in goats? sheep? like in Iceland or something. THAT is a weird DNA science project.
Remember premarin? Well originally they used pregnant mares and open skin areas to grow their cultures. I doubt they do that anymore but you can still buy premarin.
Something is combining with something to escalate the growth of cells. Which in theory can still be parasitic. A Dr. (forget who) long ago said that most cancers were caused by flatlet worms. ? But maybe that's the real delivery system? to attach to the cell? Ya know something is fishy here.
Given ridding yourself of 'worms' helps to put you in remission, then I am guessing they needed this SV40 to ramp it up or deliver it that way? I mean HOW is this SV40 really getting into the mitochondria as he implies. And then perform?
I know that optogenetics and blue lights are a superior conductor for DNA damage. Look at all the game commercials, Play, Play, Play. Radiation seems to play a big part in these maladies as well. And he even mentions electromagnetic radiation in the beginning.
So we have all the same players in this dirty pool. radiation, electromagnetic, DNA manipulation, blue lights, optogenetics.....Yeah, so now with all the other 'shit' mercury, graphene, nano this/that, snake venom sequences.....Yikes!
But this is what did the turbo cancer? SMH
It is a way to control our 'human being' Period. Anything at this point that is just waiting to be 'activated' and produce the malady, is obviously being deployed in meds, foods, water, air....... It is being activated. I am convinced of it. ALL these ingredients ++ are ready to be activated and deployed.
Which one will they activate in you today?
I am also convinced that when you get a 'vaxx' and then get tested for the 'antibodies,' that the test is really identifying the toxin that was used. Titer Test tests for the anitbodies (used in animals to prove innoculaltion) but is it really finding antibodies or the toxins in the shots? You can die from too much arsenic, right? But what do you die from? labeled 'the flu or consumption' usually. No one tests you for the poison. Who's being tested for SV40? The cancer blood tests?
So I believe this is a key reference for those that are suffering turbo cancers. But I believe it is being activated through our electrical biofields by way of 'smart' devices or electrical engineers that have software programs such as triage to 'read' your systems. Did you really have cancer? or was it given to you by way of toxic activation after you went to see the doctor. So which one came first now? The dis-ease? or the Doctor's visit?
Jack is telling the truth but not the whole truth and medical freedom isn't going to stop activating anything. Just like the fires. I just want to find the plug and unplug this activation device.
He wasn't so encouraging about the remedy either. Professor Thomas Seyfried here has a good point on how to stop fueling the mitochondria.
Never ask Karen a question......LOL"
Thank you for reposting this. Lots of grist!
Thank you for your work. It's awesome.
This article got me thinking along the lines of parasitic mind control leading to animal abuse:
Recall this fun horror movie from 1998?
Synopsis: When some very creepy things start happening around school, the kids at Herrington High make a chilling discovery that confirms their worst suspicions: their teachers really are from another planet. As mind-controlling parasites rapidly begin spreading from the faculty to the students' bodies, it's ultimately up to the few who are left, an unlikely collection of loners, leaders, nerds, and jocks, to save the world from alien domination.
So much truth is exposed in "art."
Herring Worm Disease is probably where they got the name of the fictitious town, Herrington.
You're paying attention!
I have to ask, what kind of parasite?
These are polymer-based, self-assembling, chimerically-engineered biomechanical new "life-forms", ('nanotech') which utilize DNA from various parasite species, and which also produce myriad venom peptides. So I cannot give you one particular parasite name. However, it does appear they act very much like hydras in that, you could break one of them up into a thousand pieces and each piece would grow into a separate (and mature) functioning unit again, in very short order. You also see similar activity with many worms.
Thank you. I have to tell you that answer shocked me a bit.
It is horrifying, and I wish nothing I have stated about any of this were actually true. But I have read the related patents. All of this is real, and they HAVE unleashed this technology on the masses.
Godspeed, Joy
Great article, thank you.
From day one we were told that the covid mRNA VAX needed to be kept at very low temps. Cryonic???
Also familiar to those who have been trained in AI tech (ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION.)
Dr Robert Young was very clear about the Trypanosoma cruzi and other contaminants were in the hundreds.
Mentions have been made of hydra found by Dr. Ariana Love...this is all years ago now.
Bless you all who are unsintingly working to solve these horrors.
Great read! Thank u