Venomous PARASITES Instead of "Spikes?"
Forget about a "virus." And forget about the deadly "spike" too? Venom poisoning is OBVIOUS. Are we facing GMO/chimeric nano-parasites, breeding & producing venom?
SEE Dr. Jane Ruby going over this issue HERE. This makes sense to me. What are your thoughts? Parasites are also “contagious” to a degree, depending upon the type of parasite, environment, mode of transmission, etc.. And of course, it they inject you with them….
This isn’t to say there aren’t myriad other forms of attack going on as well. But knowing that the main goal of the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc., is to kill us, we can look to their unprecedented hysterics they displayed over the possibility Americans might turn to ANYTHING that kills parasites, i.e., “horse paste” and “fish tank cleaner” etc..
VENOM- No matter HOW They’re Getting this Crap into Us….
We’re now learning that a quick way to end “long covid” and even get your smell and/or hearing back (in both vaxxed & unvaxxed) is to use an effective anti-venom remedy. SEE “The Antidote” with Dr. Bryan Ardis HERE, who also explains (in either this interview, or one of his others) that using an effective anti-venom remedy can also swiftly reverse the venom-induced myocarditis and breathing problems. NOTE: Dr. Ardis is still talking about a “spike” - as one of the delivery systems? But the data makes it clear this is in fact a venom attack, regardless of HOW they’re getting it into us. Yes, it does also appear there’s some funky stuff going on with the 60ghz data transmission frequency (5G towers). But this doesn’t negate the clear findings on the venom poisoning.
My own view is that at least ONE method by which they’re delivering the venom, is with engineered (nano-sized) chimeric parasites that produce venoms. They breed/replicate. Adding it to water supplies too? Just adding the venom alone to public water systems? They’re already adding fluoride after all;-) We now know that venoms are the basis for many pharma products, particularly this past decade, (deadly blood pressure meds, blood thinners, weight loss drugs, etc.). Some venom/adenosine-peptide classes cause clotting, and others cause hemorrhaging.
My personal view is that during the “covid” operation, they focused primarily on the venom types which cause clotting, (combined with polymer colonization tech). But I also believe they were simultaneously beta-testing (on a small sample) venoms which are hemorrhagic, (in preparation for the next phase.) Hence, those few cases of “brain bleeds” shortly after “covid” jabs.
I believe their new “Disease X” will be the “live” roll-out of the hemorrhagic venoms, and/or “HIV” which they will say we’ve got a new (more deadly and “virulent”) strain of. There are many so-called “viruses” they’ve already informed (propagandized) us will cause hemorrhaging, i.e., Marburg, Ebola, whatever. I also believe this version of the poisonings could carry a higher death toll than the “clotting” crap did. You see, a person can walk around (still breathing) for quite awhile as they’re growing clots, and maybe even save themselves from the clotting if they know what to do. But when you’re faced with uncontrolled (and fast acting) hemorrhage of blood, it seems it would kill us much faster.
And you can BET the hospitals will have some new “protocols” which INCREASE these hemorrhagic effects, i.e., just as Remdisivir (which is made from nasty venoms) was found to intensify the effects of so-called “covid”, thereby leading to swift death. Venoms (like Remdisivir) are NOT being used in these meds because they kill “viruses.” They are used because they kill HUMANS.
These are the things I have surmised after reviewing a very broad spectrum of evidence, (some a bit contradictory, but at least not pharma-funded “data”) patents, and the strong hypotheses of many different scientists, some of which are going down different paths of investigation, but many of whom are reaching the same place in the end….VENOM.
MELATONIN & the Kids:
Melatonin has a protective effect against venoms. Children naturally produce an enormous amount of melatonin. So this explains why kids were harder to kill with the venoms, no matter how they were getting it into all of us. Sadly, even with lots of melatonin, many kids did get seriously injured or were killed by the covid jabs. Melatonin “helps” protect against the effects of venom. It’s not an impenetrable shield if the dose is too high, as we now know from all of the children they maimed and murdered with the jabs.
VENOM: Effects on Cardiovascular System
It is interesting to note that venom causes the same symptoms we’re seeing with both “covid” and the covid vax. It’s quite appalling to read things like THIS: (SOURCE:
“Snake venom poisoning is associated with a number of cardiovascular effects, including hypotension, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, hypertension, brady- or tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation [1]. Given the multiplicity of the effects, it may be stated that snake venom is a rich source of compounds that affect the CVS. These compounds, with various biological activities, could be of significant pharmacological value and represent a promising basis for the development of new drugs.”
It just so very “promising” that they can create new drugs that injure our hearts, now isn’t it? Yes, it’s a very promising method of depopulation. Hardly anyone (mainstream) will even be looking for the venom as people are dropping off like flies. And oh yeah, trouble breathing, and various neurological problems (including loss of smell/hearing) are also a symptoms of venom poisoning.
I hope this information, and my own views, tend to expand your own thinking. Ultimately, we’re going to have to use our own LOGIC no matter what we’ve been informed of. Some things people explain to us, (and the data they present) just makes SENSE, even if they aren’t covering the complete picture. This is a multipronged attack on humanity. So remember, just because one type of attack is very real, doesn’t mean they are not also coming at us from many other places.
Be resourceful. Be alert. NEVER defer to mere “authority” EVER AGAIN!
Good article. I think Dr. Bryan Ardis is on the right track. Also his knowledge regarding nicotine
for neurological symptoms in Parkinson's is groundbreaking.
Recall the US Gov't. and agencies smearing the use of any cheap therapies for the covid symptoms with Antiparasitic drugs was demonized, censored, and unavailable. Even with no orthodox therapy offered and people dying, this was verboten. hmmm. At the same time of the roll out in December 20, 2020, a Taiwan Hydroxychloroquine factory had an explosion and fire. It produces hydroxychloroquine and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier There was another factory that had a fire too, but can't recall that one.
Wow. Just wow