Mar 20Liked by Joy Lucette Garner

Good article. I think Dr. Bryan Ardis is on the right track. Also his knowledge regarding nicotine

for neurological symptoms in Parkinson's is groundbreaking.

Recall the US Gov't. and agencies smearing the use of any cheap therapies for the covid symptoms with Antiparasitic drugs was demonized, censored, and unavailable. Even with no orthodox therapy offered and people dying, this was verboten. hmmm. At the same time of the roll out in December 20, 2020, a Taiwan Hydroxychloroquine factory had an explosion and fire. It produces hydroxychloroquine and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xsg1NFaufs. There was another factory that had a fire too, but can't recall that one.

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Wow. Just wow

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Are there underlying patents for this technology? Who did prior art? Whose money and when. In the end it is simply a shoddy system with nothing but ugliness. Seriously from the outset of civilization as a narrative rather suspect only one ideology has ever prevailed: "Immiseration: make the product or service so miserable to use that the disgusted consumer is forced to upgrade to minimize their suffering. " 1776 in a different sunlight then. Trade English law for Colonies bound together in a solemn vow because of a German King and more debased Parliament. Philadelphia Freedom in 2020 A.D. was kill 'em all bottom to the top just to watch them die. Fitting maybe that a trusted medical system is exposed as a psychopathic organized on-going death machine tolerated by not very upset voters. Here we are and Covid is still King.

"When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son

Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns"

But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die

When I hear that whistle blowin', I hang my head and laugh laugh laugh

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Mar 19Liked by Joy Lucette Garner

How are things? With that, I'm gonna go get a walkies in before it gets too late in the day.

Back in a bit.

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I've only skimmed through this but I have read enough on the subject of the spike protein to be pretty sure that the way the mRNA injections are supposed to work according to manufacturers, i.e. turning our bodies into spike-producing factories, is not what's going on. As for Ardis, I watched a video some time ago where he discussed "spike venom" with Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowen. Ardis was not convincing. That said, I'm also beginning to question several in no virus team. Many of them seem to be doing well out of this tragedy and don't appear at all concerned about vaccine-injured, shedding, nanotech in jabs. On parasites, my daughter, husband & 2 of my 3 grand children got the jab (2 Pfizers). A few days later, the 3rd (unvaxxed) grandchild had (allegedly) ascariasis. Their dog also suffered convulsions.

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