Good article. I think Dr. Bryan Ardis is on the right track. Also his knowledge regarding nicotine

for neurological symptoms in Parkinson's is groundbreaking.

Recall the US Gov't. and agencies smearing the use of any cheap therapies for the covid symptoms with Antiparasitic drugs was demonized, censored, and unavailable. Even with no orthodox therapy offered and people dying, this was verboten. hmmm. At the same time of the roll out in December 20, 2020, a Taiwan Hydroxychloroquine factory had an explosion and fire. It produces hydroxychloroquine and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xsg1NFaufs. There was another factory that had a fire too, but can't recall that one.

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I recall several HCQ factories suddenly going up in flames/bombs. Special targets were things that neutralize parasites, including even monoclonal antibodies. I only recently found out that monoclonal antibodies are specifically the "go to" for venom poisoning. Figures the FDA would ban it's use for "covid."

It's all making sense now. Kill the parasites AND neutralize the venom!

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Wow. Just wow

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Are there underlying patents for this technology? Who did prior art? Whose money and when. In the end it is simply a shoddy system with nothing but ugliness. Seriously from the outset of civilization as a narrative rather suspect only one ideology has ever prevailed: "Immiseration: make the product or service so miserable to use that the disgusted consumer is forced to upgrade to minimize their suffering. " 1776 in a different sunlight then. Trade English law for Colonies bound together in a solemn vow because of a German King and more debased Parliament. Philadelphia Freedom in 2020 A.D. was kill 'em all bottom to the top just to watch them die. Fitting maybe that a trusted medical system is exposed as a psychopathic organized on-going death machine tolerated by not very upset voters. Here we are and Covid is still King.

"When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son

Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns"

But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die

When I hear that whistle blowin', I hang my head and laugh laugh laugh

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My understanding is that the patenting of the "corona" (virus/spike, whatever;-) was back in 2015, and it included parasite DNA, along with venom/adenosine/peptide-producing sequences. I am at the point where I believe it's a parasite and not a "virus" or "spikes." I firmly believe all of this is parasitic in nature, and that the chimeric parasites (which breed/replicate very well in a multitude of environments) are what's been genetically programmed to produce venoms.

If it wasn't parasitic in nature, the FDA,CDC. NIH, etc., would not have been so freaked out at the idea we might turn to anti-parasite meds. And if it wasn't venom that was causing DEATH, the FDA wouldn't have banned monoclonal anti-bodies for the treatment of "covid." Basically, watch what the FDA says is bad, and there you'll see what we probably need.

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How are things? With that, I'm gonna go get a walkies in before it gets too late in the day.

Back in a bit.

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Looks like hubby is ON THE MEND!! Fever gone. Good energy.

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I've only skimmed through this but I have read enough on the subject of the spike protein to be pretty sure that the way the mRNA injections are supposed to work according to manufacturers, i.e. turning our bodies into spike-producing factories, is not what's going on. As for Ardis, I watched a video some time ago where he discussed "spike venom" with Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowen. Ardis was not convincing. That said, I'm also beginning to question several in no virus team. Many of them seem to be doing well out of this tragedy and don't appear at all concerned about vaccine-injured, shedding, nanotech in jabs. On parasites, my daughter, husband & 2 of my 3 grand children got the jab (2 Pfizers). A few days later, the 3rd (unvaxxed) grandchild had (allegedly) ascariasis. Their dog also suffered convulsions.

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I'm glad your loved ones are doing well after injection. So the "unvaxxed" grandchild has never had ANY vaccines ever? Of just not the covid vax? As for the ascariasis, 85% of these parasite infections have no symptoms, and young children are much more vulnerable to them. I'm not sure that the fact some vaccinated people avoided injury means that all of the vaccines are safe. And even Pfizer admitted to the "shedding" during the trials.

The patents for the "spike" (circa 2015, long before "covid") make it clear they were also messing with parasite DNA, specifically, parasites that produce venom/adenosine-peptides.

I witnessed a nicotine patch make a HUGE difference in my own husband very quickly. His symptoms were right in line with venom poisoning. As he was detoxing, I made the mistake of touching his skin. And every place where my skin touched his, my own skin almost immediately turned red and started stinging/burning. Felt and looked like when a got attacked by a jellyfish as a child.

I am making him shower before he gets into bed, and washing all bedding each time.

Did you know that venom poisoning makes people vulnerable to cancers as well?

Oh geeze what a mess. We're all searching for answers, and the LAST place we'll find them is from any of our "health" agencies;-)

Have you noticed the symptoms mirror venom poisoning? I am also wondering why a trillion dollar industry, which is entirely dependent upon evidence of the existence of a particular particle as the CAUSE, could not have come of up with the evidence to prove that it's actually the cause? Instead, they've placed this burden on the public! So it's "You have to prove it doesn't exist, and if you can't then it does, even though we haven't proven it exists.

If contact with this particle (whatever it truly is) was the actual cause of disease, we'd have seen a much different situation.

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Hi Joy. I'm glad to hear your husband's doing better. I need to re-visit the snake venom theory. Actually my daughter and family have all had health problems since taking the jabs. My daughter had chest pain and rash across chest,, my granddaughter joint problems, my grandson migraines and son-in-law aged a good 10 years! The grandson who didn't get covid jab (9 y.o.) has had all childhood vaccines. He's been having cold sore outbreaks, wounds that don't heal quickly and has broken his arm twice since nov 2021.

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Long-term chronic venom poisoning can produce myriad terrible effects on the body. My firm belief is that we must kill the parasites (that continue producing venom) and also detox from the venom that's already been produced. So we need anti-parasite meds AND an effective antidote for the venom.

Another great video is "Watch the Water" : https://rumble.com/v10pjkc-dangercovid-19-virus-and-vaccines-bioweapon-is-created-from-royal-king-cobr.html

I cannot imagine it being possible to get enough venom into the water to harm us UNLESS they're simply releasing these GMO micro-organisms that reproduce themselves AND produce venoms.

Dr. Ana's protocols for dealing with the biproducts (the biofilms/polymers and also the graphene) are helpful. But after what I've seen with my own husband, it's clear to me the ONLY way to get fully ahead of this is by slaughtering the parasites, and neutralizing the venoms. Without doing BOTH of these things, every problem he had would only be reduced, and it would always come back with a vengeance, (worse each time it came back).

These two elements were the missing pieces, parasites and venom. I also know that we've got to get our nutritional status up to an optimal level, making sure we've got all vital (and bioavailable) minerals, as well as other essential nutrients, including essential fatty acids (found in animal fats, butter, etc.) and amino acids. Just so happens animal fats are high in vitamin A, E, etc. And without adequate dietary cholesterol, our bodies cannot manufacture Vitamin D.

Everything the FDA tells us not to do, is likely the very thing we MUST do for our health. The FDA, (CDC/NIH) exist only to promote and enforce the extermination agenda.



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Yes I watched that and like you I questioned how they could get enough venom into the water to harm us. "UNLESS they're simply releasing these GMO micro-organisms that reproduce themselves AND produce venoms." I never thought of that and it makes total sense actually. But can we still trust what's in the anti-parasitic meds?

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Oh, I don't trust the anti-parasite meds that are sold for HUMAN consumption anymore. I buy the stuff they sell for ANIMALS, which I have found is MUCH safer. I order it for CHEAP at "Valley Vet Supply" ( https://www.valleyvet.com/?ccd=ISM001&grp=UUUU&grpc=UUUU&grpsc=UUUU&msclkid=bfccbd6ed22c19fe00c7d8928350c45e ) and get the stuff for horses and goats.

All contain inserts which give dosage info based upon weight. I've also added Fenbendazole to the regime and seen extra benefits/power against the parasites. Health food stores also sell "drops" called "parasite cleanse" which offer a broad spectrum of anti-parasite herbal extracts that are powerful. I have this in my "arsenal" now as well. It only cost me about $10.

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Thanks Joy. Noted.

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YES! Ivermectin is a POWERFUL and very safe substance for killing parasites. I've been using it liberally, (on myself and close family) for years now without ANY problems. Another thing that's very effective is the citrus bitters "brew". Also using this for years without a problem, but it can make you more sensitive to the sun. I could plainly see that people were being re-infected, and these things would always help GREATLY.

The part I had been missing this entire time was the VENOM. So you can get some (substantial) immediate relief by killing the parasites (that are making the venom) but this crap builds up, so there was a limit to the relief, and on the next infection some people were getting even weaker than the last one. Cleaning up (neutralizing) the venom was KEY, and I didn't know this yet.

Before my mother died, she would call me asking for help after she'd get sick from vaxxed visitors coming to see her. I'd run up the hill with my parasite meds and she'd get better QUICKLY. This went on for years. She would get sick again EVERY TIME a vaxxed family member would visit her! And each time, the sickness would be a little more severe than the last one.

And then came Easter weekend, where she got a SLEW of vaxxed visitors all at once, everyone hugging and kissing her. She collapsed and a few days later she was gone. I ran up and tried the parasite meds but they didn't work this time. What I didn't know, was that she was in desperate need of VENOM DETOX.

All of my vaxxed family members are dying, but they're younger, (than my unvaxxed mom, who birthed 12 of us) so they're dying "by the inch" - with one new illness after another popping up. But I personally witnessed how their "love" killed my mother!

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That's so sad. I'm trying to remain optimistic about my vaxxed family members even though several of them are going downhill fast. They're also not interested in my advice so there's not much I can do. OMG, 12 kids! That must have been fun!

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